Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I Think I Did Okay

Today was my first day.  I actually mustered up the courage to go couponing...all by myself...with no one watching... 

The Coupons:

I started my journey by ordering the Sunday paper (which I found with a coupon for $ .47 versus the $2.00 you would normally pay).  It arrived early that morning and the fun really began!  I started laying it our while my dilated eyes took in the glossy coupons.  I’ve always enjoyed arts and crafts so clipping coupons is right up my alley.

The Binder:

I transferred them into my HUGE coupon binder I pieced together using www.krazycouponlady.com as a reference.  I already owned the binder and the 8 ½ x 11 page protectors.  All that I had to purchase were the baseball card page protectors ($5.00 for 35 sheets at Target), the divider tabs ($3.00 for 24 tabs at Fred Meyer), and the pencil pouch ($2.50 at Fred Meyer).  That totals $10.50 that I need to earn back to start seeing some savings.

The Clipping:

I received my paper on Sunday and started tearing into it.  I also used the grocery store circulars that come out each Monday in the mail, along with any straggling ‘catalinas’ left in my wallet from prior purchases. 

The Organizing:

Once my coupons were clipped and organized I started sliding them into their appropriate slots in the binder so I was ready to head out.

I asked my husband if he would watch my cherubs so I would able to process what I was doing while shopping.  So, off I went with my unwashed hair, my mug of Twinings tea, and my BIG binder of coupons. 

As I stepped out of the car, I found myself giving a once over to the parking lot.  Would anyone notice that I was carrying a binder in the place of a child?  As I walked toward the door at 7:45am the store looked relatively empty.  I grabbed a cart and laid the binder in the seat reserved for my toddlers.  As I made my way toward the cosmetic aisle I looked down at my binder and smile came over me.  Not the, oh I am so glad I am shopping with coupons smile, no, the I cannot believe I have a three inch binder in my cart and am going to actually open it up and let people look at me with it, smile.  [Pause for appropriate giggle at my expense]  So I squashed that grin down and got to business.  It took me awhile to actually read the coupons and find the products I needed.  I walked away stocking up on some lotions, popsicles, and macaroni and cheese.  Being a ‘coupon virgin’ I did by things with a coupon and that were on sale but, I had to be realistic...I still needed to buy things on my meal plan as well.  All said and done my pre-coupon total was...$303.86 and after coupons my total was…(wait for it)…$278.98!! That is a savings of $24.88 on my very first trip.  I know my coupons will build over time and I will figure out the rock bottom deals of my favorite stores but for day one…I think I did okay.

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